Paolo Cuttitta

Publications since 2013

Edited works


Articles (peer reviewed)


Other journal articles


Book chapters

  • Forthcoming: The Central Mediterranean border as a humanitarian space. In N. Nyberg-Sørensen and S. Plambech (eds.) Migration and Humanitarianism. DIIS Report. Danish Institute for International Studies, Copenhagen.
  • Forthcoming: The Increasing Focus on Border Deaths. In P. Cuttitta and T. Last (eds.), Border Deaths. Causes, Dynamics and Consequences of Migration-related Mortality. Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam
  • Forthcoming: (with Jana Häberlein and Polly Pallister-Wilkins) Various Actors: The Border Death Regime. In P. Cuttitta and T. Last (eds.), Border Deaths. Causes, Dynamics and Consequences of Migration-related Mortality. Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam
  • Forthcoming: (with Y. Al Tamimi and T. Last) The Missing Migrants Project: How IOM became the global authority on border deaths data. In M. Geiger and A. Pécoud (eds.), International Organization for Migration (IOM). The New ‘UN Migration Agency’ in Perspective. Palgrave-McMillan, Basingstoke
  • Forthcoming: Border Lampedusa: the gate of Europe. In: VV.AA. Atlas des petites îles de Méditerranée
  • 2018: Inclusion and Exclusion in the Fragmented Space of the Sea. Actors, Territories and Legal Regimes between Libya and Italy. In E. Burroughs and K. Williams (eds.), Contemporary Boat Migration: Data, Geopolitics and Discourses. Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, 75-94,
  • 2017: Imbarchi fermati, protezione negata. In M. Giovannetti (ed.) Rapporto sulla protezione internazionale in Italia 2017. Anci, Caritas, Cittitalia, Migrantes, Sprar, Unhcr, Rome, 208-210,
  • 2017: Zwischen De- und Repolitisierung. Nichtstaatliche Search and Rescue-Akteure an der EU-Mittelmeergrenze. In Hess, B. Kasparek, S. Kron, M. Rodatz, M. Schwertl (eds.), Der lange Sommer der Migration. Grenzregime III, Assoziation A, Berlin, 115-125,
  • 2015: Humanitarianism and Migration in the Mediterranean Borderscape. The Italian-North African Border Between Sea Patrols and Integration Measures. In C. Brambilla, J. Laine, J. W. Scott and G. Bocchi (eds.), Borderscaping: Imaginations and Practices of Border Making, Ashgate, Farnham-Burlington, 131-140,
  • 2015: Territorial and Non-territorial: The Mobile Borders of Migration Controls. In A.-L. Amilhat-Szary and F. Giraut (eds.), Borderities and the Politics of Contemporary Mobile Borders, Palgrave-McMillan, Basingstoke, 241-255,
  • 2014: From the Cap Anamur to Mare Nostrum. Humanitarianism and Migration Controls at the EU’s Maritime Borders. In Matera and A. Taylor (eds.), The Common European Asylum System and Human Rights: Enhancing Protection in Times of Emergencies, CLEER, Den Haag, 21-37,
  • 2013: L’accordo di integrazione come caso di discriminazione istituzionale in Italia. In M. Grasso (ed.), Razzismi, discriminazioni e confinamenti, Ediesse, Rome, 257-273, Re-printed in 2018: Carbone, E. Gargiulo and M. Russo Spena (eds.), I confini dell’inclusione, La Civic integration tra selezione e disciplinamento dei corpi migranti.DeriveApprodi, Rome, 171-186,


Book reviews




Press articles


Online articles and reports